The San Pedro Fish Market, located at 706 S Harbor Blvd., and its Long Beach and Wilmington locations are hosting Fish ...
There’s no question as to what menu item is the most ordered at Friday fish fries during Lent. Across the region, in dining ...
‘Love your enemies. Pray for those who persecute you’ (Matthew 5:44). “I’m a Christian — I love everybody!” Some of us may ...
The Church gives us the holy season of Lent each year to help us to step back, to slow down and take stock of our lives.
Mark and Matthew tell us that Jesus conversed with the two pillars of the Old Testament, Moses and Elijah, but Luke adds that ...
Fasolada, the delicious bean soup dubbed the "national dish" of Greece is at the forefront again for the forty days of Greek Orthodox Lent.
Lent at this time of year. That means for some abstinence from various food, drink, or activities. One tradition is to avoid so-called “noble” means on Friday. That means no beef, pork, lamb, or other ...
If you are a member of one of a variety of Christian churches, you have entered the season of Lent, traditionally a time of ...
For many Christians, Lent started last week on Ash Wednesday, March 5. This means no meat for dinner on Fridays for the next several weeks, which makes a fish dinner a popular option. There are a lot ...
Target is particularly at risk from the 40-day boycott over the season of Lent called by the Rev. Jamal Bryant.
By Steve Stricker Columnist Today I am eight wonderful days into my 40-day Lenten journey in the peaceful, quiet, prayerful desert until Easter. And I’m finally out the other side of those two back-to ...
Gwen Stefani raised hell among her left-leaning fans after she shared a video of a Tucker Carlson interview discussing Christianity with actor Jonathan Roumie.