It’s pretty exciting, considering this could be the first known cougar reproduction in modern times in the western Great ...
The lion enclosure at the Bedfordshire zoo stood empty for a while after keepers had to put its two remaining lions to sleep ...
The quartet were born between the hours of 5:13am and 6:40am, with keepers watching remotely via a hidden ‘cubcam’ CCTV. They ...
It’s been an exciting few weeks at Whipsnade Zoo after it welcomed the birth of four rare lion cubs. The cubs were born as ...
The INPA stressed the dangers of the illegal wildlife trade, stating that smuggled monkeys may carry diseases such as ...
Michigan Department of Natural Resources Two mountain lion cubs have been photographed in ... and their young haven’t been seen in the wild in over 100 years. The Michigan Department of Natural ...
The zoo said African lion populations were declining in the wild as a result of farming, housing, hunting and resource extraction. When the new cubs are 10 weeks old their sexes will be confirmed ...