It covers nearly three-quarters of our planet but the ocean floor is less mapped than the Moon, an astonishing fact driving a global push to build the clearest-ever picture of the seabed.
Know about Cakung International Airport in detail. Find out the location of Cakung International Airport on Timor Leste (East Timor) map and also find out airports near to Baucau. This airport locator ...
To make a direct call to East Timor From Vanuatu, you need to follow the international dialing format given below. The dialing format is same for calling East Timor mobile or land line from Vanuatu.
Timor-Leste, através da Cooperativa Café Timor, vai começar a exportar cravinho para os Estados Unidos, França e Índia, anunciou hoje o governo timorense. "O ano passado, enviámos para o ...
Darwin-based Timor-Leste consulate employee Igino Ferreira caught an Uber to Royal Darwin Hospital after being assaulted in Mitchell St last week. Mr Ferreira was walking along Mitchell St early ...
“Todos os timorenses têm de defender a sua língua materna, porque representam a sua cultura e a identidade, dependendo das várias regiões do país”, disse à Lusa Rosa Tilman, por … ...
People in Timor-Leste’s Naktuka area, a disputed section of the border with Indonesia, have raised concerns over illegal crossings and threats from Indonesian soldiers and citizens. “Indonesian ...
Ainda de acordo com Tilman, em Timor-Leste existe uma grande diversidade cultural e as práticas tradicionais “andam com a palavra do povo”, o que significa que muitas cerimónias são apenas realizadas ...
Uma fonte de conexão com a alma nacional. Foi assim que vários timorenses descreveram o papel da língua portuguesa em Timor-Leste, a nação do sudeste da Ásia. Uma ex-colônia de Portugal, Timor-Leste ...
Kivu Sul – No leste da República democrática do Congo os rebeldes do M23 continuam a sua progressão, tendo ocupado nesta terça-feira Kamanyola, no Kivu sul, localidade até agora sob comando ...
Timor-Leste, a young and dynamic nation in Southeast Asia, is steadily positioning itself as an emerging tourism destination. With pristine beaches, rich cultural heritage, and untapped eco-tourism ...
The first of the 2x monthly roundtrips operated on February 14, 2025. According to a statement from the Office of the President of Timor-Leste, the flights will later increase to four and, "in the ...