Data: Center for Education Policy Research at Harvard University; Note: There was a three-year gap in data from 2019–2022; Chart: Axios Visuals Students in Massachusetts K–12 schools are on average ...
When the pandemic hit, Massachusetts was considered a national leader in education. In reality, reading and math scores have been falling behind since 2015. Since then, the state hasn’t been able to ...
A new report by the Baton Rouge Area Foundation zeros in the school days of young men, aged 18 to 29, who were convicted of ...
First grade teacher Presley Peyton Stuber at Flat Lick Elementary School in Knox County is in her fifth year of teaching.
Students bring different combinations of strengths and weaknesses to the math classroom, and teachers can help all of them ...
The results of a nationwide study conducted by academics at Harvard and Stanford show a puzzling pattern – students' math ...
Step 1: Read (and reread) the word problem. First, encourage students to read the word problem in its entirety, in order to ...
South Africa’s mathematics achievement trends are unusual. This could point to possible ways to improve results.
Jason Riley’s assertion that market-oriented reforms would improve ‘intellectual diversity’ misses the mark.
A few years after the state began to push schools to adopt a new, systematic way to teach kids how to read, Louisiana ...
The Colorado Department of Education, in collaboration with 18 teachers statewide, has launched a free online math toolkit designed to help students and families navigate tricky math concepts.
So it was with a piqued interest that I read the March 4 piece attempting to provide an argument around school funding ...