U.S. Senator Mike Crapo answered questions from callers Tuesday during a virtual forum hosted by the AARP, Callers’ expressed ...
The change may win the votes of Republican senators representing states with high Medicaid usage who have expressed concern ...
For Medicaid, you must meet specific income requirements for your state. If you make even $1 too much, you will lose your ...
House Republicans voted Wednesday to require thousands of Iowans on the state's Medicaid program to fulfill work requirements ...
RENTON, Wash. — Renton's Valley Medical Center announced Tuesday it is laying off 101 employees after federal Medicaid ...
Cuts to both program's funding could have a significant impact not only on the beneficiaries but also more widely on the ...
Beyond the economic damage, the proposed Medicaid cuts would force North Carolina and other states into an impossible ...
About 1.2 million people, a fifth of the state’s population, depend on the program, which Young said accounts for about a ...
If you have a parent short on savings, a disabled adult child or a minor with special needs, Medicaid may be your backstop. Plenty of people are unaware.
Medicare and Medicaid are government insurance programs. Both allow people to qualify based on disability, but they determine this eligibility differently.
The 19th reports on the future of Medicaid, the popular public health care program for low-income Americans that covers ...