A Northumberland foster carer has travelled to Westminister to warn MPs that a ‘crisis’ is engulfing the system.
WARREN — Trumbull County commissioners have expressed their support for Insight Hospital and Medical Center Trumbull’s management ...
The total Medicaid budget, including federal funds, sits at nearly $5.3 billion — the state’s general fund share would be ...
The bill also allows people who qualify for Medicaid to instead use tax credits to purchase a health plan through the Idaho ...
The countdown is on for Maine lawmakers to pass a supplemental budget, which is needed to fill a multi-million-dollar budget shortfall for MaineCare.
The Idaho Senate at around 6 p.m. Tuesday suspended its own rules to be able to more quickly take up a major Medicaid reform ...
The new bill would also require state Medicaid programs to report National Average Drug Acquisition Costs (NADAC) as a way to ...
America holds its warfighters to the highest standard, expecting them to defend our nation at a moment’s notice. In exchange, ...
Congress should refocus the program on its original intent: vulnerable Americans, especially those with disabilities who have ...
Americans in underserved communities will be hurt if Congress makes deep Medicaid cuts. Underserved communities already face healthcare disparities; Medicaid helps bridge this gap.