“The Notebook” movie was a touchstone for many millennials, who may have watched it while crying into tubs of ice cream over their first teenage crush. The show features some of the film’s ...
Did you know Ryan Gosling and Rachel McAdams had a difficult time getting along with each other on The Notebook set?
Theater review THE NOTEBOOK .review-block-star { --review ... Sparks’ weepy 1996 romance novel that was made into a popular movie starring a young Ryan Gosling and Rachel McAdams.
Many couples will be revisiting their favorite romantic movies this Valentine's Day. Here are 10 of the most popular and how to watch them.
It's hard to deny the popularity of The Notebook, both the 2004 film starring Ryan Gosling and Rachel McAdams, and the 1996 book that spawned it. Now the many fans of Noah and Allie's romance will ...
The Lost Notebook is an ode to cinema and a celebration of escapism. A filmmaker stumbles upon a notebook belonging to a Hungarian man who meticulously documented his 2158 visits to the cinema.
The pair star in the movie “The Notebook,” focus of the library’s Movie Night from 5 to 7 p.m. Feb. 20. Based on the Nicholas Sparks novel, the romantic drama focuses on an elderly man ...