Canada adopted the maple leaf flag on Feb. 15, 1965. And one of those six original flags is on display at Windsor's Chimczuk Museum's collection. The CBC's Michael Evans checked it out.
Canada’s maple leaf flag is 60 years old, and Windsor is celebrating the anniversary by showing off one of the few originals.
Panama's Maritime Authority has intensified efforts to strip its registry of non-compliant vessels amidst criticism from the ...
Panama has made progress stripping vessels from its registry that do not meet its flag's standards, the Central American ...
"Trump’s threats are generating “uncertainty” and “anxiety” in the Panamanian population", says Lina Vega of Transparency ...
A black, massive Hong Kong-registered ship inched its way through the churning waters of the Panama Canal — guided by tugboats stern and aft, and sweating Panamanians ...