The technology is based on two-photon absorption; when the beam of an ultrafast ... fabricated using electron-beam lithography and evaporation of metal films. So far, the fabrication of high ...
This work reports the design of an efficient multiband UC system based on Ln3+/Yb3+-doped core-shell upconversion nanoparticles (Ln/Yb-UCNPs, Ln3+=Ho3+, Er3+, Tm3+). In the design, Ln³⁺ ions are ...
In addition, the material performs especially well with high levels of absorption in the infrared ... generation and ...
They have found a new use for the superconducting nanowire photon detectors (SNSPDs ... work by absorbing individual photons. The absorption generates small electrical changes in the ...
This energy is released as a photon. The energy of the photon can be worked out using the equation If an electron moves from level \(E_{2}\) to \(E_{1}\) the energy of the photon can be worked out ...
When tuning the x-ray energy to an inner core electron absorption energy, or measuring the fine structure ... Currently we limit our research to use of x-rays with photon energies between 5-25 keV*, ...
This report both complements and extends Technical Reports Series No. 277/2, Absorbed Dose Determination in Photon and Electron Beams - An International Code of Practice, IAEA Technical Reports Series ...