In The Odyssey, Tom Holland will appear as Telemachus, the son of Odysseus and Penelope, who goes on a journey to find his ...
The Middle Ages are defined as the period between the years 500 and 1500 in Europe. They're also sometimes referred to as the ...
With its distinct natural resources, its openness to the outside world, and the hierarchical society it fostered, the period ...
Christopher Nolan’s highly anticipated film The Odyssey has been in production for several weeks, building excitement among ...
Everyone knows about St Patrick – the man who drove the snakes out of Ireland, defeated fierce druids in contests of magic and used the shamrock to explain the Christian Trinity to the pagan Irish. It ...
It holds your hands through the foundation of Rome, with excessive concern dedicated to the Aeneid, to the rise of the ...
If you're looking for a reason to make this Ides of March into a vaguely themed game night, these games will be your new ...
The strongest heroes and villains in Sailor Moon have death, darkness, and destruction-based attacks and abilities.
Until July 6 visitors will have a unique chance to admire 24 of the most iconic artworks of Caravaggio at Palazzo Barberini.
After binging your way through Fringe, these shows offer engaging sci-fi stories that explores the boundaries of technology.
If you're looking for inspiration, we've compiled a list of 80 unique boy names that aren't so unusual they're awkward, but ...
Irish band Fontaines D.C returned to Auckland this week, serving up their emotive post-punk bangers to an eager crowd at ...