Feeling weighed down by religious obligations? Join a life changing 30-day Bible study challenge to detox from religion and ...
The new Women's Bible Study classes will begin Jan. 28. The group will study "Exodus & Numbers: The Exodus From Egypt" by John MacArthur. The cost of the study book is $10. There will be two classes ...
They normally meet the night before their game. It started out with a dozen or so people gathering in the defensive meeting room at NRG Stadium before home games, and any room they can find when ...
In our ASL translation, Jacob, who was hairless and smooth-skinned, has a name sign that can be back-translated literally to English as “smooth arm skin,” whereas his twin, Esau, who was notoriously ...
Ed Lapiz, who popularized a more accessible preaching style, is courting controversy by rejecting the God of the Old ...
2. Anointing: In baptism we are not just washed of sins, but we also become temples of the Holy Spirit. After baptism there ...
Many people want to study their Bible, but they just simply cannot figure out how to do it, so they end up not studying.
But, I wondered, is it really helpful to counter some people being selective about what it means to be like Jesus by simply being selective in the opposite direction? Isn’t it the whole idea of being ...
InvestigationGod incarnate, rabbi, mystic: who really was Jesus? Since the beginning of critical studies on the Gospels ... savior announced by the Hebrew Bible and whose return is foreseen ...
Mr. Wehner, a senior fellow at the Trinity Forum, is a contributing Opinion writer. One of the forgotten facts of the story of Jesus’ life is that he came from a profoundly dysfunctional family.
when the standards for instruction in social studies and science lessons will be reviewed. Oklahoma's academic standards are up for review every six years. "Oklahoma is putting the Bible and the ...
It was 241 years ago today that Gen. George Washington gave America the greatest Christmas gift any nation has ever received—except of course for the gift of Christmas itself. A few months after ...