An exclusive preview of Ultimate Wolverine #3 reveals that the MCU Avenger Black Widow is secretly working with the X-Men.
To hear Stan Lee tell it, the X-Men came to be precisely because he was tired of making up origin stories. Instead of ...
Gwyneth Paltrow participated in a career retrospective video interview with Vanity Fair and was shocked to discover that she ...
Insomniac's upcoming Wolverine game could make strides in an effort to establish an X-Men game sooner, but that hopefully ...
X-Force #9, by Geoffrey Thorne and Marcus To, is the next installment of “X-Manhunt”. “X-Manhunt” revolves around Charles Xavier escaping from Graymalkin Prison on a mission to save his daughter. This ...
Wolverine and the X-Men was a great Marvel animated show. Here's why it got canceled after a single season (and what would've ...
Superhero games have been a hit or miss affair over the last forty years, with far more misses than hits, but one of the ...
The upcoming first appearance of Weapon Exile in Weapon X-Men #3 from Joe Casey and Chris Cross (Spoilers) Discover Weapon ...
Ryan Reynolds shares a new video celebrating the tenth anniversary of the first Marvel Deadpool movie officially going into ...
Movies are a tricky business. Years of planning, casting, shooting, and promoting go into one film, and all that hard work ...