Behind her “moderate left” image, Ghazal is a fervent Quebec nationalist who poses no threat to the established capitalist ...
On March 15, 2025, in a new executive order, Trump invoked the Alien Enemies Act of 1798 that endows the president with ...
The Trump administration has tried to seduce Black Americans to fall into the trap and illusion of Black capitalism.” ...
The racist tinge to Elon Musk’s hacking of the government eerily reflects cyberpunk's vision of the future—especially the science fiction coming out of South Africa.
But who really controls the system and can we break free? You Need This explores how consumerism and hyper-capitalism shape ... of lightness and humor. One example is a scene early in the doc ...
But in this case, I’m afraid, as Ulrike Herrmann’s very readable book The End of Capitalism makes clear ... administration ...
The deepening political divide, institutional distrust and economic anxieties raise pressing questions about whether American ...
Between data used to train geospatial control systems and the recent ownership change, the game that lets you catch Pokémon in the streets reflects a nightmarish reality.
The distinguished author talks about the Tempi tragedy, the Trump-Musk duo..."one is worse than the other" and the Left, ...
Elon Musk’s manipulation of Dogecoin was no lighthearted prank. It was a deliberate exercise in extracting wealth from ...
De Orta also tells stories, for example about the Persian opium enthusiast he met ... This set the stage for industrialisation and the intensification of capitalism, systems which severed the bonds ...
Information, for example, shares certain features with other nonreproducible ... can we continue to describe the economic system as ‘capitalist’? Inevitably, the answer to this question will depend on ...