In the heart of the rugged landscape of Hardangervidda, a vast mountainous plateau in Norway, a group of archaeologists, on ...
En el corazón del agreste paisaje de Hardangervidda, una vasta meseta montañosa de Noruega, un grupo de arqueólogos, a pie y ...
The history of human settlement in the valleys of the Pyrenees and Pre-Pyrenees has always been closely tied to climate ...
La historia del poblamiento humano en los valles del Pirineo y del Prepirineo siempre ha estado íntimamente ligada a los ...
As part of the preventive excavations being carried out at the Coatmen site, southwest of the city of Tréméven (Côtes-d’Armor ...
En el marco de las excavaciones preventivas que se están llevando a cabo en el yacimiento de Coatmen, al suroeste de la ...
In the heart of Lake Bolsena, in the Italian province of Viterbo, lies an archaeological treasure that has remained hidden ...