Several systemic and effective measures are needed to cope with extreme weather events, the Climate Coalition told TASR on Friday, adding that the key is to prioritise solutions close to nature, which ...
There's a danger that gas prices may go up by as much as 30 percent next year, while no funds have been allocated from the state budget for energy subsidies, MP for the opposition Freedom and ...
Opposition MPs in Parliament criticised Prosecutor-General Maros Zilinka, who on Friday presented a report on the activities of the prosecutor's office for the past year. The coalition, on the ...
The Interior Ministry has started issuing passports with new design and security features, Minister Matus Sutaj Estok (Voice-SD) told a press conference on Friday, adding that the passports will be ...
Countries of the Central Europe, including Slovakia, which have been affected by floods in recent days, will be able to draw money from the EU's Solidarity Fund and Cohesion Fund to help deal with the ...
Opposition Freedom and Solidarity (SaS) party lambasted the Thursday's statement issued by the Judicial Council on the European Commission's report on the rule of law in Slovakia, finding it ...
The consolidation of public finances shouldn't apply to Slovakia's already beleaguered health sector and the Health Ministry has been carrying out measures to streamline its management, Health ...
The first bridge at the entrance to Banska Bystrica in the direction from Zvolen over the R1 expressway (Kremniciansky bridge) has been closed and neither cars nor pedestrians can cross it, ...
Banska Bystrica, September 19 (TASR) - The crisis management team of the city of Banska Bystrica adopted on Thursday afternoon more radical measures in connection with the emergency condition of the ...
Trnava 20. septembra (TASR) - Deň rešpektu a športu na Štadióne Antona Malatinského v Trnave si vyžiada v pondelok (23. 9.) viaceré dopravné obmedzenia. Trnavská krajská polícia o tom informovala na s ...
Hlohovec 20. septembra (TASR) - Mesto Hlohovec vyčlenilo 160.000 eur z rozpočtu na rekonštrukciu zdravotného strediska. Rozhodli o tom poslanci na štvrtkovom (19. 9.) zasadnutí mestského zastupiteľstv ...
Prievidza 20. septembra (TASR) - O 100.000 eur pripravil podvodník dôverčivú seniorku z Prievidze. Stala sa obeťou telefonického podvodu. Informovala o tom trenčianska krajská polícia na sociálnej sie ...