Study connects the swip-10 gene in roundworms to copper metabolism and neurodegeneration. Loss of swip-10 impairs copper ...
When screening pregnant women for gestational diabetes, casual blood glucose testing misses 70% of the cases. This Kobe ...
As urban centers in mountainous regions grow, more people are driven to build on steeper slopes prone to slow-moving ...
Researchers have identified how the HIV drug Efavirenz causes neuropsychiatric disorders and neurocognitive impairment, ...
The fruit flies that hover around the apples on your counter have to navigate a cluttered environment to find that food, from ...
Findings from the SIGNIFIED study, run by The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust and supported by funding from The Royal ...
In laboratory tests, bioactive glasses doped with gallium oxide killed more than 99% of osteosarcoma cells, while leaving ...
A study uncovers how histone modifications, specifically in the H3.3 protein, regulate gene expression in mouse stem cells.
Researchers investigated the relationship between the degree of food processing and type 2 diabetes risk, including which ...
Researchers have created DNA origami-based sensors capable of detecting lipid vesicles and delivering molecular cargo using ...
As we age, our bones lose density and become more fragile, putting us in danger of breaks and fractures. This is especially a ...
A team has created a chemical process that uses sunlight to transform methane and carbon dioxide into green methanol and ...