The beloved director was known for his surreal works like "Blue Velvet," "Mulholland Drive," and "Twin Peaks." ...
David Lynch, the iconic filmmaker and television creator, was working on a limited series for Netflix prior to his death, ...
Director, filmmaker, and artist David Lynch recently passed away. Here's a look at how his biggest works impacted movies and ...
From "Twin Peaks" to his films to his own recording career, the director understood how much sound mattered — not only to the ...
Calling something Lynchian means recognizing what we’re seeing is off-kilter and that it doesn’t entirely compute.
The world of film and TV have remembered the ‘visionary’ filmmaker, who was known for the surreal TV series Twin Peaks and a ...
Tokyo, Japan, November 1984: Director David Lynch at a press conference in Tokyo. Lynch was in town promoting his latest film ...