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Lester Sumrall
Lester Sumrall is an international minister, local pastor and visionary. For over 25 years, he has shared the message of God’s love,, purpose and hope. This Good News of God’s Kingdom has brought real transformation in countless lives, in …
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About Dr. Lester Sumrall’s Legacy Collection
The Dr. Lester Sumrall Legacy Collection of Works website offers a rare glimpse into the life, teachings, good works and ministries built by Dr. Lester Sumrall. You will find an extensive …
Biography | Dr. Sumrall's Legacy Collection of Works
Lester Sumrall (1913-1996) was a world-renowned pastor and evangelist, entering full-time service for God after experiencing a dramatic and life-altering encounter with Jesus Christ. At the age of 17, as he lay on a deathbed …
Gifts & Ministries of the Holy Spirit ~ Dr. Lester Sumrall
This is a forty-two part teaching series from 1991-1992, on the Gifts and Ministries of the Holy Spirit, by Dr. Lester Sumrall, who was one of the world's le...
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Lester Sumrall – 1913-1996 - Revival Library
Perhaps the crowning glory of Lester Sumrall’s work is his on-going ministry to feed desperately poor families within the Body of Christ. He also founded World Harvest Bible College (now Indiana Christian University)
A Tribute to a Victorious Life — Feed The Hungry Canada
At the age of 74 he founded a global humanitarian ministry aimed at wiping out hunger among those struggling to survive amidst poverty, famine, disaster, and war. Lester Sumrall was a …
Dr. Lester Sumrall - MHGS
Dr. Lester Sumrall has been a great influence upon Andrew Hemstrought Ministries and the MHGS. Howard Carter and Smith Wigglesworth were mentors to Lester Sumrall, both of whom are said to have passed their anointing on to …
A pioneer of faith - Dr Lester Sumrall - OUR FAITH WALK
Nov 15, 2018 · Lester Sumrall, one of our times most profound teachers and ministers of the Word of God. A forerunner and a father of Christian television. A true pioneer!