METRO - Metro Transit
Light Rail. The METRO Blue Line travels between Mall of America and Target Field. The METRO Green Line links downtown Minneapolis, the University of Minnesota, and downtown St. Paul.
How to Ride the Minneapolis Light Rail | Meet Minneapolis
The METRO Blue Line offers fast, quiet light-rail service between downtown Minneapolis and Mall of America. Dozens of bus routes are timed to connect with trains at Blue Line stations, making it easy to get to events, to shopping or wherever you need to be.
Orange and Red lines operate mainly on dedicated roadways. Lettered BRT lines travel in mixed traffic lanes. Both offer speed improvements of up to 25% over regular transit routes.
Maps and Transportation - Meet Minneapolis
Light-rail transit (LRT) connects downtown Minneapolis with the airport, Mall of America, Saint Paul and 43 other stations. Visit the Metro Transit website for information on routes, schedule and ticket prices. Take a look at our comprehensive set of …
METRO Light Rail Blue Line Green Line METRO Bus Rapid Transit A Line C Line Red Line Orange Line ... Frequent. All day. All yours. Effective Dec. 3, 2022. Title: METRO System Map - December 2022 Author: Metro Transit Subject: METRO; Metro Transit; Light Rail Train; Bus Rapid Transit; Minneapolis; St. Paul; Twin Cities; Minnesota Created Date: 5 ...
List of Metro (Minnesota) light rail stations - Wikipedia
The light rail portion of the network, managed by Metro Transit, has 37 light rail stations in operation across two lines: the Blue Line, running from downtown Minneapolis to the Mall of America in Bloomington, Minnesota, and the Green Line, connecting downtown Minneapolis to downtown Saint Paul. [1]
Maps for Driving, Skyways, Parking and Biking in Downtown Minneapolis
Find the best ways to get in and out of Minneapolis with this freeway map. The light rail map listing stops from downtown Minneapolis to the MSP Airport. Find your way to one of the best airports in the nation. Need a place to park? We've got all the parking ramps in downtown Minneapolis here. Minneapolis is the #1 bike city in America.
Illustrated Light Rail Map of Minneapolis and St. Paul by Nate …
The map features notable sites such as Target Field, Minnehaha Falls, the MSP Airport, and the Minnesot Nate Padavick was commissioned by The City of Bloomington, Minnesota to illustrated a map of the light rail system that connects The Mall of …
Southwest light rail map | Hennepin County
See a map and station area details of the 17 planned station areas for the Southwest light rail, from Minneapolis to Eden Prairie.
Route and Stations - Metropolitan Council
Route map. The map below shows the route of the METRO Green Line Extension from SouthWest Station in Eden Prairie to Target Field Station in Minneapolis, where the line will continue east as the METRO Green Line and also connect to the METRO Blue Line, Northstar Commuter Rail, and local bus routes.