Department of Resources - FloodCheck Queensland
FloodCheck Queensland is a web map application that provides information on flood plains, modelled and historic flood maps, imagery and reports.
Department of Resources - FloodCheck Queensland (Mobile)
FloodCheck Queensland is a web map application that provides information on flood plains, modelled and historic flood maps, imagery and reports.
Department of Resources - FloodCheck Queensland Mobile Web …
These are provided to give an indication of potential flooding based on predictive flood heights at the local river gauge. Simulations identify potential areas of impact as a result of a potential flood event.
Commission of Inquiry following significant flooding in Queensland in 2010/11. The QFMP program involves collecting historical flood information and undertaking flood investigations and flood hazard mapping for up to 100 “at risk” towns in Queensland.
consistent with recommendations of the Queensland Floods Commission of Inquiry which recommends recent flood studies be made available for use in floodplain management for all local government authorities in Queensland.
flood mapping in Queensland for many communities that would otherwise not have flood mapping. While these outputs and products have been developed using the best available data, it is recommended that the Queensland Reconstruction Authority (QRA) check and verify the maps provided in this report.
flood study pilot for the Condamine-Balonne river basin. This comprised river basin-wide flood modelling of two flood events, an ‘extreme’ event and 1% AEP event, utilising the latest TUFLOW GPU numerical flood model software, which enables production of whole of …
the display of flood information. The Authority has developed the Queensland Flood Mapping Program (QFMP) to implement these recommendations. The Flood Hazard Mapping project is a direct outcome of the QFMP. This will allow flood maps to be prepared for the most vulnerable towns across Queensland.
Central to these guidelines is the Queensland Flood Mapping Program (QFMP) which seeks to address a number of the Commission recommendations by establishing flood and flood hazard mapping across the state.
Flood Hazard Mapping – Muttaburra Bundle 1 [email protected] January 2013 DHI Water and Environment Pty Ltd PO Box 10117, BRISBANE ADELAIDE ST, QLD 4000 Tel: +61 7 3236 9161 Fax: +61 7 3236 9461 www.dhigroup.com Client Queensland Reconstruction Authority (QLDRA) Client‟s representative Greg Scroope Project Flood Hazard Mapping – Muttaburra